

Over the weekend, I went out for lunch at zpizza. I’ve been to one at home, but never in Pasadena. The service at the Pasadena location was great! The staff was super help and understanding. They offer a variety of unique pizzas (ie. Thai or Napoli), as well as the typical variety of cheese, pepperoni, etc. They also provide gluten-free crust on request, and apparently it actually tastes good.

Also, there’s a 10% discount for Caltech students :O I ordered a Napoli and parmesan breadsticks, which were delicious! My friend ordered an Italian. I forgot to take pictures until we were practically done. Whoops :P The Napoli slice is in the center, and the Italian is more towards the right.

My friends and I have noticed that whenever something is called “Californian,” such as the Californian sushi roll, it includes avocado. What’s funny is that zpizza’s Californian does notinclude avocado! This is the first “Californian” food item that I’ve seen without avocado.

I also went to a Vietnamese resturant off of Colorado, called Indochine. They serve solid Pho, and their shrimp tempura rolls are also really good. I didn’t take pictures of my food, but I did take a picture of their crazily-shaped ice cubes.

There’s a hole in the center of the ice cube! It’s like a little bucket. I was able to hold the ice cube up using a straw.

My next adventure will be to Beard Papa’s, which sells cream puffs. The Pasadena store offers vanilla and chocolate fillings regularly. Over this summer, they will be offering special fillings, such as mango, caramel, or green tea. :O