Wrigleyville Kristkindle

Wrigleyville Kristkindle

My cousin was in town for a few days, and she wanted to go shopping at a kristkindle market. We have one in downtown Chicago that has been going on for at least a decade. However, a newer one just popped up this year in Wrigleyville, right next to the field where our baseball team the Cubs play. It even has an ice skating rink.

The night we went was relatively cold, which I think drove away quite a few people. However it was still an enjoyable time: it was basically a mini version of what happens downtown. There were enough food stands to give a reasonable variety and couple of stands for alcohol too of course. The cider and hot chocolate stands also had souvenir mugs, one of which my sister desperately wanted. For other souvenirs, there was an alpaca stand and one for knitted goods, as well as for chocolate, glassware and leather. It may sound like a lot but really there were barely half the number of stand that the downtown market has.