Winter Break in Florida

Winter Break in Florida

For those of you who are new to my blog or don’t know/don’t remember, I hail from the small, sunny town of San Marino (read: 10 minutes from campus). So, I had a fun and relaxing break at home, which is still super close to Caltech. I mostly met up with old friends and hung out with the fam. However, I also went to Florida for a week, which is primarily what I’ll talk about in this post! I’ve been to Florida with my family before, but this time I wentalone to visit friends, so it was quite a different experience! I did a lot of touristy things like going to Disney World (Epcot), Miami beach, and taking a boat tour of the Everglades. My friends and I also saw Rogue One and went on another friend’s family’s boat for a day trip out on the water. My favorite thing about Florida was the weather - it was in the high 70’s and low 80’s the whole time I was there - much warmer than it was in So Cal. For all you East Coast readers - remember that I’m from So Cal and I’m a huge wimp when it comes to cold weather! I barely noticed the humidity (although I hear it gets very humid in the summer months). My least favorite thing about Florida was the mosquitoes. :(