Wine and Food Pairing Course

Wine and Food Pairing Course

Hi All! Hope you all had a fantastic weekend–I know I did :) We had GORGEOUS weather this weekend (hello spring!) and I had a fun event on my calendar I’ve been looking forward to: the Wine and Food Pairing course hosted by the MOSH. The Wine and Food Pairing course is offered to seniors (that are of age, of course) throughout the year to teach them how to observe, pick, and enjoy wines with/without food. The class is only one day, but takes several hours, since several wines are chosen to sample and at the same time along with a multi-course meal.

11 wines, and 6 courses! Phew! The Master Of Student Houes (MOSH) Geoffy Blake opening the next bottle of wine—what could it be?

Mrs MOSH (Karen Blake) pouring into our glasses the wine to sample with the wonderful meal she prepared

Yum! Beef Tenderloin and a few Cabernet Sauvignon :)

As food reviewers–Andrew and I definitely approved!

To avoid heavy-handed pouring and to keep sample sizes of the wine in check–there was this one ounce pour stopper fastened onto the wine bottles—GENIUS! Brian and I, the engineers we are, had to investigate this mechanism more closely…AHA! It was found to contain two ball bearings…

OMG–I was stuffed at this point…but we had two more dessert courses to go!

I had a great time and definitely learned tips and tricks of pairing wine with a meal. This crash course was awesome!—and I think the MOSH spoke about having a follow-up advanced course next month… :)