Wine and Food Pairing

Wine and Food Pairing

Hi everyone,

Caltech has some really neat “classes” that you can take. The Master of Student Houses (MOSH) and his wife host a Manners Dinner and a Wine and Food Pairing course every term. I recently attended the Wine and Food Pairing course and it was really interesting. Of course, you have to be over 21, so usually its just seniors who take the course. We spend about 3.5 hours at the MOSH’s house learning how to pair wines with different foods. The MOSH, Geoff Blake, is a Professor of Cosmochemistry and Planetary Science and Professor of Chemistry. As a chemist, I definitely appreciate wine more now than prior to the class. He explained how various types of wine were made and how it affects your taste buds when paired with different foods. Can you guess which wines were the most and least expensive on the list below?

My favorite course was the diver scallops with squid ink pasta. The scallops were huge! The strawberries with whipped cream and brown sugar paired with champagne was also delicious. I also had a nice time catching up with some seniors in other houses that I haven’t talked to awhile. I’m glad that Caltech offers these unique opportunities. Moreover, it definitely makes me appreciate the small size of Caltech’s community. This place has been my home for more than three years now and I’ll definitely miss the people here when I graduate. I have a little over a month left here at Caltech since I’ll be graduating a term early, so I’m trying to make the most of it by spending time with my friends here and taking in some of the opportunities Caltech has to offer.
