

I am currently blogging from the comforts of the Campus Inn, on the University of Michigan’s campus in Ann Arbor. It’s been a long week so far, but hanging in there (in the true interview season spirit!). This visit to Michigan has been nice so far - cold and there’s snow on the ground, but it’s definitely bearable. The environment is also totally different from Tufts, where I was earlier this week! Both are really great programs with super-nice people. But what wanted to let you all know was about how much of a KLUTZ I can be at times! So after my interview at Tufts I thought “OK time to change and then rush to the airport!” But I had to run down a flight of stairs carrying my carry-on bag with my change of clothes in it. In my rush, guess what I did? Yup, I FELL DOWN THE STAIRS!! In my “professional” medical opinion I twisted my ankle. Luckily, it was only four stairs and I wasn’t carrying anything breakable like my computer (which may not heal like my ankle is trying to!). So after this spill, I almost gave up in despair but I had to push through to change, get to the airport, and make it to Michigan. Luckily the flight attendants gave me ice and I was able to put my foot up almost the whole time, but I was totally relieved to get to my hotel room.

Now after a busy day of interviews (and another one tomorrow lined up!) I’m chilling on my bed keeping my ankle elevated. Look how big it is - like a baseball!**

Hopefully it’ll be better for walking around on the tour tomorrow and getting back to the plane tomorrow night. No worries, though… I’ll keep on keepin’ on! Just a few more days till I’m (FINALLY!) back at Tech! :)