When you think it's over, ...

When you think it's over, ...


First I want to apologize for not posting for such a while. This Term has been very colorful and therefore busy and you’ll soon see why.

At Caltech, I often find myself starting a week and thinking that this will be the toughest and craziest week of Term. I get through that week and start the next one and think that actually, this next week will be the craziest week of Term. So, I conclude now that every week is packed and the degree of how pleasant the week ends up being depends on your time management and attitude.

Around the same time, Interhouse parties started up for this Term. We haven’t had any in a while and now we’re having one every Saturday night. In short, there are eight undergraduate student houses and each one hosts and Interhouse party in their courtyard for all the other houses once per Term. My house, Page House, kicked the year off with the first party last Term.

Unfortunately I wasn’t able to stay for the whole dinner because I ran off to an 8pm Physics lecture. Our professor was out of town one day so he held a make-up lecture at night – not the first time and it really makes me appreciate his devotion!

I loved the play and thought it was great when we saw a video of our Caltech President dressed as a king giving the audience instructions on how to behave in the theater before the performance started projected onto the curtains.

That’s it for now since I should get back to work but I promise to post again soon!

