When you least expect it...

When you least expect it...

Hi Everyone! Sorry for the late post…but as you know, I have been wrapping up my thesis. I FINISHED!!! I submitted my whopping 37 page paper June 1st, and defended my thesis in a final 30 minute presentation June 2nd. It feels so good to have completed it…I feel super accomplished. In addition, I did my one and only final (in cognitive psychology) a few nights ago….which means….I HAVE COMPLETED MY SENIOR YEAR! I am officially DONE with work at Caltech FOREVER!!! I am so happy and so relieved…I can’t believe I made it and am just shocked at how I’ve come so far. Graduation is in a week now..and it’s so close that I can feel it. So I guess the last week will be devoted to celebrating, relaxing and enjoying myself :) In the midst of finishing up my thesis..I got some wonderful news…I got offered a job after graduation! It’s been a long and hard road this past year in interviewing, researching and looking for the right opportunity to come along for me. It’s been stressful, confusing and downright frustrating…it was probably one of the hardest things I’ve had to go through in my life—trying to figure out ‘what next?’ after Caltech. But like everyone said..it happened—when I least expected it (I was in the library working on my presenation!). So now my mind can finally rest knowing that I have figured that out.

I’m excited about the job because I get to use both my mechanical engineering background along with my business background…and get to be in my hometown SAN DIEGO! I am so happy that I get to stay in my beautiful SoCal and be close to my family who will be there for me in this upcoming transition period. Anyway…I gotta run some errands…hope you all are having a wonderful day!