Welcoming New Frosh and Rock Climbing

Welcoming New Frosh and Rock Climbing

It’s the end of Rotation, and all the frosh have rotated into their new houses! As part of our house initiation, we painted Fleming’s red cannon a nice Page blue :) (with Fleming’s permission, of course). During my rotation 3 years ago, we pulled pranks like stealing Lloyd’s gong and Venerable’s couches, but nothing as big as this. Apparently the paint is washable though, so it should come off fine.

The first weekend after end of Rotation, Page organized a house trip to go climbing! In our house, if we can get 15 people to go to an event, the cost gets subsidized by $15 per person. We went to LA Boulder to climb, and the cost for a day pass is usually $31, but it got subsidized down to $16.

It was my first time going climbing, so I had no idea what to expect. When I was a kid, I had climbed one of those straight vertical walls with a harness on, but here, there was no harness and the walls were definitely not flat. I was a bit intimidated and scared of falling at first, especially since some of the people going had a lot of experience (especially the new exchange students!). But after trying a couple times, I started to get the hang of it! It’s really fun, and I’d like to go again and get better at it :) You definitely feel sore afterwards, so it feels like a good workout too.

After going climbing, we decided to go to Wurstküche, a hot dog place in the Arts District. There was quite a long line, but I think it was worth it. The hot dogs were delicious, and they have a bunch of unique flavors like duck and rabbit to try.