Welcoming New Friends, Saying Goodbye to Old Ones

Welcoming New Friends, Saying Goodbye to Old Ones

I’ve already told you about theInvasion of the Summer Students. Well, with the help of our RA’s we threw a welcome bbq for them on Sunday.

Yay free food! And props to our House President for whatever seasoning and grill magic he did that made the chicken so delicious. At least for me, meeting new people is super awkward. Free food definitely makes meeting the summer students significantly less awkward, because hey, who doesn’t love free food?

Unfortunately, it was also a bittersweet occasion. Our two grad student RAs, Labeed and Adam, will be moving out and moving on over the next week. To express our sadness, my friend Prastuti and I did some baking…

Our masterpiece: a broken, red velvet, heart-shaped cake with cream cheese frosting to express or greatfulness for their help over the last two years and our sadness that they are leaving. Fortunately for us, they’ll both still be around campus. Something about needing to finish their theses and graduate. Hopefully they’ll still be able to find time in their busy lives to hang out on occasion and play a game here and there with our interhouse sports team. Additionally, as soon as they’ve moved out, our new RA’s, Harry and Rachel, move in!And so concludes a summer weekend at Caltech. Well, I’ve got to get back to reading papers for lab…
