Weekend at Tech

Weekend at Tech

Hello there! This weekend was a pretty busy one. I suppose you last heard from me on Thursday so I have quite a bit to cover. Monday to Wednesday are my busy days (I have three sets due on Wednesdays and two due Tuesdays) so those days are usually pretty boring. On Thursday, I did some studying for my Health Ad class. It’s first responder training for students so we can respond to emergency medical situations among our classmates. While emergencies are uncommon, we’re considered part of the comprehensive safety net that Caltech has put in place. Anyway, this week we’re doing human anatomy. It’s pretty difficult, there’s a lot of things to memorize. Mostly bones. Next week we’re doing lifts, moves, and carries.

I accepted a job last week! I realized I forgot to tell you. I’ll be working for a really small San Francisco company that does a universalized drone operating system. I’m really excited to be working for Airware next summer.

On Friday, I ended up running a lot of errands. I went to Michael’s to pick up poster supplies for volleyball’s senior night next Tuesday (I can write about it here because these get delayed by about a week and really, most Caltech students don’t read this). I went to Target to pick up cups for a Page House event that night, and I went to Trader Joe’s to buy snacks and cheeses.

I played volleyball that night. The game didn’t go very well.

Saturday morning, I woke up at noon. I don’t care how much of a morning person you are, your schedule will shift in college. I used to wake up happily every day at 6:15am, and now I wake up at noon. I did some homework for psychology class (yes, Caltech has psychology classes) and made some dinner, then played another volleyball game. This one went a little better.

We made hot cocoa as a house and did some planning for our events in the next couple of weeks. Here’s my roommate with her cocoa:

Some of my friends at the Fleming off-campus alley had a housewarming event, so I went to say hello to them.

We had a Page ladies’ brunch at 9:30am on Sunday. We made pancakes and sausages and bacon and turkey bacon. It was so much fun, the ladies came over and talked about their years, we met some more freshmen (it can be hard to meet freshmen when you live off campus). Of course, it was pretty early for college students, so a lot of people didn’t make it. We had fun though! Anyway, now it’s Monday. I killed off the extra pancake batter this morning when I woke up, and I made a goat cheese, tomato and spinach quesadilla for lunch. I’ll check back in on Thursday. We have a game tomorrow, hopefully I’ll have some good news to share! Until next time, Suzy