

This past weekend was quite eventful; I took my chem and phys quiz back to back! Just kidding well I did but what actually matters is that Caltech had its first official party since we rotated into our houses. I ended up in Fleming House, and it's tradition for the new frosh in Fleming to host a party. We had a budget, made flyers and everything.
My friends and I would like to think we make for a good-looking poster and got people to show up to the 'frosh party', but either way a good amount of people from the different houses came.We moved the couches out of our lounge to make it more of a dance floor and put up balloons and streamers, black and white ones of course. And we had the typical big flashing lights in addition to the black lights that makes white clothes glow which was fun.Cleaning up after though, not so fun.

Also, my mom came to New Student Parents' Day which was on Saturday.When we were looking for a sit-down restaurant, it was funny because I didn't know of any nice places around campus. So we ended up eating dinner at Chipotle and Tea Spots(known for its boba but also sells other Asian style food)the next night, both of which I enjoyed; itwas good to see a face from home and catch up on things. The leaves are changing colors in Colorado, while it'll basically always be sunny here.
Oh and I cast my ballot this weekend too. Yippee!