Weekend Shenanigans

Weekend Shenanigans


Hmm so it was Henry’s 22nd birthday this past weekend, so several of us went to Sunday Bistro with him to celebrate. A lot of seniors are on grad school visits, so we had kind of had a belated birthday celebration for Henry. Because he dislikes cake and chocolate gasp! I made caramel flan instead and we surprised him in one of the lounges of Avery. We also stayed up to play cards and chat after a long week.

I didn’t end up going to either D-Day or the OASIS Bollywood Dance Party because I was sore from tennis and catching up on work. I heard both parties were pretty good and Venerable’s OPI will be next weekend.

We played again Ohio Northern on Sunday and lost 3-6. We’re now 3-2 overall and our next match will be against UT Tyler next Tuesday. A few of us on the team decided to grab dinner together afterwards at Mr. Baguette. It was my first time there and the vietnamese sandwiches were delicious. We got Half & Half boba afterwards (check out the crazy short cups). I’m glad to be a part of the team and get spend time with these amazing girls. The weekend has gone by so fast and now it’s back to classes and sets. It’s the final crunch before exams begin. Avery Formal Dinner will be Tuesday night, as well as the Chemistry Option Tea, where students and faculty can discuss research, classes, and life in an casual and open setting. Hopefully as a chemistry option rep, I’ll be able to attract frosh to the wonderful world of chemistry, or at least check it out :P
