Walking the Master's Dog

Walking the Master's Dog

The Master of the Corpus College and his wife own the cutest dog, Flapjack, or Jack for short. They let students walk him to de-stress or to just play with him, and it’s usually one student a day. They’re really kind and host all sorts of events, like casual dinner for groups of 15-20 students at the Master’s Lodge, just to get to know the students better!

The first time I walked Jack, I went with another Caltech exchange student, Michelle. We had a lot of trouble walking him that particular day, since he was very free spirited and kept tugging on the leash. Beforehand, the Master told us that Jack knows the commands ‘stop’ and ‘come back’, and he demonstrated for us with Jack. But, after reaching these large green fields where we let him off the leash, when we told him to come he would just turn and look at us from a distance. At least he stopped! I walked him again just two days ago, and he was a lot more obedient, thankfully!

(Sorry for the screenshot of Michelle’s instagram story :P)