Union Station Holiday Festival

Union Station Holiday Festival

Last weekend, there was a holiday festival at Union Station. On the way there, we passed by a street full of small stores that seemed to sell Mexican items. I have a feeling I’ve seen it before, so I think it might always be there.

Once we got to Union Station, we could see it was clearly Christmas themed! There was a huge wreath on the clock tower, and also a big Christmas tree in the courtyard next to the Station :)

In the courtyard, there were a bunch of vendors selling artisan goods, like jewelry that they made themselves, artwork, soap, socks, etc. I thought this person’s artwork was really cool – he was selling prints as well as coasters!

There also was a gingerbread house making event happening for the kids there. I kind of want to make one :P

Overall, it was a pretty small event, so we only spent about 20-30 minutes there, but it was fun overall :)