Nostalgia Strikes

Nostalgia Strikes

A senior who’s wistfully remembering her younger years? Gosh, call the stereotype police! Still, I still can’t believe at times that I’ve gone through (survived?) three years at Caltech. And in just a few months, barring any unforeseen catastrophe, I’ll be walking up to receive my diploma! One thing I especially can’t wait for is the Lloyd presence during the ceremony. It’s tradition to don your obnoxiously gold shirt and gong out the new alumni with great enthusiasm. I’ve been on scene first thing every year! A Calendar of Cacophony (2008-2011)

2009: Frosh move the gong back to its rightful place. Obviously, my biceps of steel were essential to this task.

2010: S’mores are done with core! Just look how happy we are.

2011: ACTION SHOT. It’s our last ceremony weget to be silly at, so why not step to the plate and make some noise? In other news, I finally got my Athenaeum membership! Since you have to be over 21 and a senior to apply, I’ve been waiting since the beginning of my sophomore year to be eligible. Basically, the Athenaeum is a gentlemen’s (or gentleladies’) club that is barely twenty feet east from Lloyd. With a membership in tow, you can go for a fancy lunch or dinner, or perhaps take the more casual route and go for an evening out at their basement venue, the Rathskeller. No matter what you choose, everythingis delicious. I especially recommend the strawberry lemonade, Kobe burger, and the Berries Athenaeum dessert.

Not over 21? Not a senior? No problem! You’ll probably still find your way to the Athenaeum in some fashion. Many freshman year professors take students out to lunch (worth going to class!), and most seniors will also take their underclassmen out for an occasion. Additionally, the Academic Review Committee (ARC) has a program where they’ll reimburse $15 per person if you take a professor out to lunch! See for details, but there are very few strings attached: you just need to say why you’d want to spend a little more time talking to the professor. Awesome, right? Alas, it is only Tuesday and there is work to be done. However, come Friday, you can bet I’ll be at the Athenaeum for both lunch and the Rathskeller! <3 Elisa