U District Farmers Market

U District Farmers Market

It seems like I’m going on a Seattle Farmers Market tour. I guess they’re easy to find with a simple Google Maps search, so my first excursions are to the Farmers Markets!This is the U District market, which is next to UW and a 15 minute walk from my apartment.

Some of the vendors were the same as at the Queen Anne’s market, but I saw some interesting stalls. One was selling mushrooms – I’d never seen them grow on…whatever that thing is called before! Another was selling honey, and you could try and find the queen bee in the hive. The queen has a darker body and is slightly larger than the workers!

I ended up buying a pretzel to eat, as well as some delicious loganberry jam. The stall selling jam was also selling all sorts of other flavors of jam, like lavender, blackberry, strawberry, lingonberry, rhubarb, etc. They also sold these pepper jellies, which were spicy jams I guess? I’d never eaten something like that, so it was pretty interesting.