Toughest Job on Campus

Toughest Job on Campus

…but someone’s gotta do it!If you haven’t had a chance to check out The Tech (Caltech’s student newspaper), I would go here and read up on some Caltech current events! But in addition to that, I would read the column that Dannah and I write. What do we seniors have to write about? Being old? Being off of Core? Retrospectives on our time at Tech? How about none of the above! Dannah and I, you see, are the Official Food Reviewers of Caltech! How did we get this prestigious title? Well…like many things at Tech, we just asked! Frosh year, we e-mailed the editor of the paper and asked if we could start a new food column, and she graciously allowed us to start eating out on the newspaper’s dime! Well, it’s not all fun and games (though mostly it is), we do have to branch out to new restaurants that no one has ever set foot in before. It’s exciting, though, because we can offer suggestions to our fellow students where they should go in Pasadena. There’s so much to eat here that our four years cannot exhaust the options! From taco trucks to expensive sit-down restaurants, what a variety we have! If you keep holed up in your room each weekend (when we do not have food on campus) and order pizza, well…I don’t think I could have respect for you, honestly. Within 30 minutes of walking, you can go around the world, from American to Afghanistan, and it’s a delicious tour! So this week, we took our expert palates to Tea Spots, a new Boba (Bubble Tea) and snack restaurant not too far from campus. We take our job very seriously, and usually don’t bring anyone along to see us work our magic. However, today you can get a look at us in action! Enjoy!

Overall, the food was pretty good, and the Boba was yummy. They also have FREE Wi-Fi, always a plus - means you can study off-campus there! Want to know our grade…? Well, wait till it comes out in the Tech! Can’t tell you ALL of our secrets! ;) Till next time…food reviewers…out!