This is MADNESS!!

This is MADNESS!!

Hello, there!I am glad to give you a mid-week finals update - I’ve been able to work down my list of things to do, and now what remains is studying for my BMB/Bi/Ch 170a final and writing my Bi 180 report. So I’m feeling pretty good about it all right now. However, that’s enough about me, but let me tell you about one of Caltech’s AWESOME traditions during Finals’ Week


What is this, exactly? Essentially, it’s breakfast…at midnight! One day during each of my Finals’ Weeks here (they started it when I was a FROSH - I know I’m old…) Caltech Dining Services opens up Chandler and you can get a delicious fresh-cooked meal at midnight! You can get pizza, omelets, crepes, donuts, fruit, bacon, sausage, and more! The best part? IT’S FREE!!!!Nothing to get college students excited like free food especially during the stressful time of Finals’ Week. Well, they don’t call it “Madness” for nothing - here are some pictures I took while braving the crowds to get my breakfast pizza and omelet!

Well…seems everyone’s glad they can take a break from their finals! Almost there… :) And then only TWO MORE terms at Caltech. Kind of crazy when it’s been my life for the last 3! But enough reminiscing, no time - got to work on finishing my classes!