The Tasty-est Recipes

The Tasty-est Recipes

As a continuation of my obsession with Tasty, I decided to try out making this spinach and artichoke mac and cheese recipe. One, because its mac and cheese, two because it’s spinach and artichoke, and three, because it’s Tasty.

I made this one along with my lovely helper Chris. It was a lot easier and much much quicker to make it with two people, and everything prepared beforehand. Admittedly I think this recipe was a little lower effort than the Parm roll ups. Still, I really appreciate whenever I don’t have to cook by myself.

We followed the recipe pretty faithfully (I’ll just link it here), but also decided to try putting bread crumbs on top for a bit of crunch. After baking, it was indeed a good crunch, but there might’ve been a feeew too many on top. We could hear them as they rolled around in our dish as we took it out of the oven.

Instead of using a cast-iron pan, we used a dutch oven as well. However, this meant that a lot of the sides were coated with cheesy milk (or milky cheese) which really cooked on in the high-heat oven. It was a pain to get off. A real pain.