The Tasty-est Recipes

The Tasty-est Recipes

Making dumplings from scratch seems really intimidating at first. For me, it’s mostly because I’ve never look at what goes into gyoza. I just eat it in one bite :P While we didn’t make the whole thing from scratch (I bought the skins), a few friends and I got all the ingredients for a delicious filling together, and started up. In the recipe, it seems like there’s a lot of different ingredients - and there are. The longest part was definitely cutting up all of the cabbage, chives, mushrooms… everything needed to be finely diced, if not minced completely. After we finished the filling, it was onto my second favorite part: folding! Some people may think that it’s tedious but I really like folding dumpling skins. When I was younger I used to try and fold my dumplings in all sorts of different shapes. Now I think it’s relaxing to try and get the perfect evenly spaced gyoza folds.

After that was cooking them. At home, my family always pan fried them. However, I’d never tried getting the wings before. I really wanted to try it as the recipe suggested. It’s super easy to do, and it looks great but… It takes so long. We were really hungry, so I gave up on the wings so we could eat them as quickly as possible. Pan fried is still delicious though.