The Streak is Over!

The Streak is Over!

Before coming to Caltech, I never cared about basketball games. However, my roommate Sarai is a huge basketball fan and started dragging me to them. Ever since then, I’ve gone to most of the home games, including the last home game of the season today against Occidental! Everyone went with high hopes that we would break the streak, seeing that we haven’t won a single game for the last 26 years. That’s a losing streak of 304 games.

It was awfully intense the entire time, with only a one or two difference for much of the game. We were down by 6 points at half-game and by we were down by around 5 points with 4 minutes left. For the next 3 minutes, we scored until we tied 45-45 with 1 minute left. When there were 3 seconds left, we were expecting the game to go into overtime when we got fouled. The next minute was super intense. Everyone in the crowd holding in their breath as senior Ryan Elmquist got ready to shoot his free throw and the crowded exploded when it went in.

It was over. The students (and fans) stormed the courts! Everyone was there cheering for the longest time, giving chest pumps and hugs. Everyone, especially the coach and the team, looked so happy. After we came back, my facebook home page was covered with status updates on the win. Even now, people are outside my room screaming in excitement. It may seem rather silly to you that so many people are that excited over a single win. But really. There was even a documentary called Quantum Hoops made in 2007 about how Caltech hasn’t won a single conference game since 1985.

You can read more about the game on the Caltech Athletics website here.**