The Last Bookstore/ Tea

The Last Bookstore/ Tea

I’m basically going to spend the next few posts detailing fun activities.

Anyway, I headed over to The Last Bookstore in LA a couple days ago to just check it out. The Last Bookstore is…what do you know, a bookstore :-). It was named The Last Bookstore rather ironically, since at the time of its creation there were plenty of bookstores in LA.

However, now that they are all closing down, it may well actually be the last bookstore in LA.

Like what even. Just the definition of hipster.

Even more hipster. So much hipster.

She bought like 50 bajillion books, and I didn’t buy any. So now I get to read hers without spending money. Which is excellent.

I went some time afterwards with another friend to a cute little tea shop later in the day.

Tea shops are something I have discovered in Pasadena, and they are WONDERFUL. Expensive. But worth it, in my opinion. We shared between three people two teas, one this lovely peach jasmine flowering tea and one an oolong chai. I love flowering teas, because they are beautiful, and the flavored ones are absolutely delicious. And I’m generally not crazy about fruty tea. And I just love chai, because I love spice and it’s spicy.

They also had these cute little sandwiches and scones which were suprisingly filling.

It was all great until I got home and discovered the chai actually had a ton of caffiene (and I don’t drink caffiene much/at all so I’ve very not-desensitized) and stayed up all night. So now, here I am, waiting for programs to run and writing this!