The Ins and Outs of the BRC

The Ins and Outs of the BRC

Most of the summer is already gone! I thought I’d share some pictures of the building I work in with you. It’s called the BioScience Research Collaborative, or BRC. When I visited Rice when I was still in high school, this building was still being built. It is the headquarters for the Bioengineering major, and it has both classrooms and labs. It’s a little far from the rest of Rice, and I have a 10-15 minute walk in mornings and afternoons from my car. I’m sad to say that I still get lost when I’m on Rice’s campus because I just haven’t spent all that much time there. The BRC is a really nice builiding to work in though. The space is very pretty, and the labs are relatively new and clean (well, as clean as my lab group can keep them, and I guess that’s not saying much - don’t worry, we have mandatory lab cleanup tomorrow). It’s right across the street from the huge Texas Medical Center - it’s a pretty cool feeling to be so close to the largest medical center in the world!

Here are some different views!

Looking up from the ground…

…looking out from the 6th floor at downtown with the Medical Centers on the right (can you spot that molecule again?)

View from the office

Typical lab stuff :)

It’s a really nice building and reminds me of the new buildings at Tech. Thanks to the Honor Code, we can get access to a lot of buildings after hours using our ID card or a key. That means I can use empty classrooms and lounge areas in fancy new buildings to study and take exams - an environment I find preferable to a crowded library during exam weeks. There have been quite a few buildings partially or completely renovated in the last 5-6 years - they all look really cool with lots of glass and a modern feel. I especially like the ones that have kept the classic architecture on the outside but look nice and new inside.

Hope your summers are going well!
