The Days Leading Up to Ditch Day

The Days Leading Up to Ditch Day

Hi Everyone, If you’ve been keeping up with the news here on probably know that Ditch Day occurred last Friday, May 21st. I am happy to say it was such a success, and my stack came together perfectly and and easily during the days that lead up to it. Andrew and I are planners…and definitely were super organized way in advance so we were able to manage everything to get done in time and the way we envisioned it. I have no regrets—I got to put all the things I wanted in my stack and was so happy to see it come to life and happen on ditch day :). This past weekend, I have been recuperating and fighting off the beginnings of a cold. I guess my body does that after finals weeks…it kinda breaks down from exhaustion. Anyway…Andrew said he would blog about all the stuff that happened on Ditch Day…while I wanted to post pictures from some of the preparation I made during the week leading up to it :)

Setting up the said boxes into the puzzle in Dabney Courtyard

More Painting..

And Balloon Tying–ps: you can get major blisters from this!

Those are a few pics from our side…be sure to watch out for Andrew’s post on the actual Ditch Day :) By the way.. pranking the admissions office was put on the Caltech website again with an updated article and a video! Check it out to see how the Admissions staff went about doing their fake stack.