Tennis over Spring Break

Tennis over Spring Break

While we travelled to Texas, we weren’t the only team to skip town; the baseball team played games in Arizona, and the men’s basketball team travelled all the way to Spain and played there! Also, the week before finals the men’s tennis team played in Palm Springs the same time as the BNP Paribas professional tournament was happening. So on one of the days they didn’t have a match they went to watch the pro matches, meeting Djokovic, the Bryan Brothers, and Kevin Spacey! Hardly a surprise, we, the women’s team, were quite jealous when they came back with photos and everything. But then we went to Texas and had quite our share of fun.

For the most part, the teams we play are driving distance away. The SCIAC schools are at most an hour and a half away for us (LA traffic included). A couple years ago, teams started riding in professionally driven buses to away matches, and this one was huge! Especially since our team is only eight players plus coaches.

Hi Jenny

We got to stretch out and get comfortable during the drive there, and we caught someone sleeping!

Hi sleeping Jenny :)

A typical Sunday meal for me is takeout Thai food. But over break, we have the time and the luxury of walking to the restaurant and dining in. I’ve always gotten chicken pad thai, except for this time, I thought if we were going out why not try something new! The shrimp salad was definitely a good choice. Yummy!

I wouldn’t say I want classes to start again, but could say that I’m ready and feeling refreshed!

