Tea Party! (?)

Tea Party! (?)

Hi all you caffeinated kiddos out there! I guess redecorating your room is the new big thing! My friend Raj recently redid his, complete with couch, table, and rug. It’s a really nice place to hang out and chill, or work on physics, or occasionally get together to have tea! Before you call it a tea party, I’ll have you know that it is a gathering of companions who enjoy intellectual conversation and sharing caffeinated beverages…. okayyy fine it’s a tea party. But minus the frills and pretty dresses (much to my dismay).

A relaxing place to take a break from work. What’s great about Caltech is how much liberty we have with our rooms: you can basically design them however you’d like, as long as you’re not damaging anything!

Look how artsy I am with these super close up pictures.

In the red shirt is Raj. He’s a sophomore physics major. Oh, and a movie star.

So on a side note, the PHD Movie is based on thePhD Comicsby Jorge Cham. It was filmed at Caltech, and follows the stories of a couple grad students (one of them being Raj) as they try to survive through graduate school. It’s really funny, and really entertaining to watch your friends on a big screen.

In summary, tea is delicious and a good way to connect with friends :) Keep checking back for next time on the tricky process of choosing a major! Love, Lori