Taco Tuesday and Pi Day

Taco Tuesday and Pi Day

In the last week of term, my friends hosted a Taco Tuesday at their apartment. The food was amazing. The chicken, chorizo, steak, refried beans, guac, and salsa were all homemade!

Here’s the chef…the food was seriously delicious! :)

After eating tacos and playing fishbowl (a combination of taboo and charades), we went to the Pi Day celebration at 3/14, 1:59AM. There were a variety of pies, including apple, banana cream, raspberry, and more. I personally don’t like sweet pies (and I was stuffed with tacos and chips), so I didn’t get anything, but it was definitely a popular event! I think the US should adopt savory pies like the ones in the UK…I wonder where they all went and why they didn’t survive here.