Hope you had a wonderful weekend and Mother’s Day! Wanted to take a sec on this post to wish my mom a VERY HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! Last year, I was able to go down to San Diego and surprise her…but this year, I’ve been backed up with the craziness here (aka Ditch Day, Senior Thesis and Graduation stuff). She understood that I couldn’t come down and said “We will see each other soon to celebrate your graduation! It’s almost time!” And of course, as we all know, mother’s are always right. The countdown timer I have currently says….

All of last week, I had a new package in my mailbox literally everyday with stuff for graduation…

Fist came the Diploma Frame and Picture Frame: Diploma goes in here….

Was a good idea to go with the Mahoganey–they are GORGEOUS! I could stare at them all day…

Then came the pictures of me in my cap and gown…

Then came the graduation announcements:

Funny that even with all this stuff–the reality of it all hasn’t hit me yet…