Sun and Surf

Sun and Surf

Hello, there! On Friday, I got to stage four of five on my summer project, submitted a pull request, and went home (a little early!). My roommates and I coordinated a fancy dinner: sauteed shrimp and lemon quinoa with a side of twice-baked potatoes. I love cooking with people, it’s so satisfying. We get all together and set the table all fancy. Also it tastes really good.

After dinner we watched Fargo, which Tago (my roommate, a Caltech EE) recommended. I had heard that it was a comedy. It was not. Whoever told me that was either a psychopath or a filthy liar. I could barely sleep that night.

The next day was a sort of slow day. It was an errand day. I made crepes for breakfast, and we cleaned house and went grocery shopping. JD (boyfriend dearest) came over and we watched Galaxy Quest (which is entertaining, unlike the horrifying bloodbath that was Fargo).

Sunday was more exciting. We got up at 7 in the morning and went to the train station, taking a train down to my parents, who met us with a truck. They had also loaded this truck with a small barbecue, matches, and towels. We (me, JD, and my roommates Laura and Chet) drove down to the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk.

I love my beaches! We actually went on a house beach trip last term. I’m glad we got to do this while I’m here.

Anyway, until next time, Suzy