Studying at Starbucks & the final push

Studying at Starbucks & the final push

Last night, Andrew and I decided to wake up early this morning and head over to Starbucks next to campus to study for our last finals. When I got there, I bumped into our good friend Ankita….who was also there to study for a final.

We ended up spending the entire morning studying side by side with yummy Starbucks coffee. Studying is definitely more fun with friends!

Yesterday, I took two finals- Control Theory and Energy, back to back–(don’t ask me why I thought that was a good idea..) but they were both ok. So I definitely needed to switch up my work environment to pull through this last one.

My last final is for my Econometrics class. It’s open note and open textbook, and unlimited time–So I was actually working on the exam while we were at Starbucks; Gosh I <3 Caltech’s take home exams!! The exam is 95 multiple choice/short answer so I will be working on it until it’s due this Friday afternoon…..That’s about 24 hours from now!! And then I’m freeeee!!!