Study Break!

Study Break!

You have probably already heard that Techers do have a heavy work load and that we are constantly surrounded by amazing real-time research. What I still find hard to believe is that since the campus is so tight, everything is very close by. For example, I can almost see the Aeronautics building from my room, the main Chemical Engineering building is 30 seconds away walking, and a few hundred feet away you can find temperatures extremely close to 0 K! We are literally immersed in a huge variety of world-class scientific and engineering work and we just need to choose what we love best and devote ourselves to it! Sometimes I’m scared by how many choices there are. If you really care for what you do, the workload should seem quite humane since you’re doing what you like to do!

Well, that’s it for now and I’m off tot he Coffee House to get some chai and then I’ll get some sleep.

Cheers, Nina.