Starbucks Reserve Roastery

Starbucks Reserve Roastery

In Seattle, you can visit the Starbucks Reserve Roastery, where you can see coffee beans go from the unrefined bean to the roasted product to your cup! They also sell various coffee merchandise and brewing items, like kettles, v60s, and so on, along with the beans they produce. You can also buy pizza and dessert here along with your coffee!

The place is easily accessible by public transportation, which is what I used to get around Seattle during the summer. Since it’s located in Capitol Hill, there are a lot of buses frequenting this area.

The inside of the roastery is huge, and you can see that there are places to eat, shop, drink coffee or do a coffee tasting, or just watch the roasting machines at work.

You can buy beans by the scoop here :) In the Starbucks around Seattle, I often see special Reserve beans – this is where they come from!

Here are the machines they use for roasting the beans! I witnessed a small mishap in the process where some unroasted beans got stuck :P But thanks to that, I got to see that they go on a mini upward traveling conveyer belt towards the roasting machines, which was pretty cool.