Springtime in Pasadena

Springtime in Pasadena

Welcome to Springtime in California! It’s basically summer, to be honest. We’ve had a few cold weeks (60-75 and cloudy) but they are smattered with bright, sunny, 85 degree days. Woe is the girl who expects a hot day and walks outside in sandals and shorts to 60 degrees and rain. Oof.

Also, happy belated Mother’s day! Suzy emailed all of Page house two weeks ago to remind everyone to buy mother’s day presents, and again today to call their Mothers. She’s so on top of this. A lot of people went home for Mother’s day, or their parents happened to be close enough to come here to visit. I ordered my mother a subscription to Bean Box, a coffee delivery subscription that sends her a pound of coffee each month from a different Seattle coffee roaster.

The Caltech chamber orchestra organization held it’s mother’s day recital today. Lots of parents came, but it seems that over a hundred people in the surrounding community (mostly from Pasadena) came to see the performance, which was beautiful. I attended the first performance, which my friend Sonia was in.

The concert was held in Dabney Hall, one of the oldest buildings on campus (and a registered historical landmark). It’s fairly ornate building for Caltech: most of it is Spanish-style, with tiled floors and mosaics, but the hall is wood-paneled, with lanterns and portraits of old white men. It’s pretty different from the rest of Tech.

This past week was awesome for running! Great weather (not too hot), and I had a lot of old friends in town to run with. Marlyn and Julliette (the two red heads in the picture below) were the captains of the cross country team last year, and graduated last Spring. Juliette is visiting Caltech from her PhD program at Michigan for an Astrophysics conference, and Marlyn took the opportunity to visit at the same time! They ran a 5k race together in Santa Monica last weekend, and we got to run with them this week in the mornings. I am NOT used to 7am morning runs, but I got back into it pretty quickly :P

I was also able to go the gym with Suzy to do a High Intensity Interval Training workout on the treadmill. It was a 30 minute routine of high incline (10+) walking, incline (5+) running, and low incline (2+) sprinting. It was ROUGH. We re-charged afterward with banana/pineapple smoothies (please ignore the flesh color of the smoothies :P )

Anyone else have a favorite springtime activity?