Spring Break Part 2

Spring Break Part 2

I wanted to share the rest of my Spring break with you before I forget it all!

I was lucky enough to go home for two weeks (a pretty long vacation, as usually Caltech’s Spring break is just one week). I spent most of my time running and baking, two of my favorite activities!

My mother is training for the Broad Street Run in Philadelphia, which is a 10 mile race, so over the break we went on a few long runs together (the longest being 10.5 miles). To refuel after our runs, we of course needed cake. We busted out our trusty Great British Bake Off cookbook (one of judge Mary Berry’s cookbooks) and got to work. We started with english muffins!

We also baked a Battenburg cake:

And finally, we made some mojito macarons (green macaron shells filled with rum and lime-zest buttercream and lime curd)! This was the best photo I could take of them, starring my cat, Mr. Worf.

While doing all of those long runs with my mom, I realized that I would finally be ready to run a marathon in the Fall. I’ve been interested in training for a marathon for a few years now, ever since some of my friends on the Caltech XC team ran one at the end of my freshman year, but I’ve never run further than 10.5 miles, and I’ve always had to train for the XC season in the Fall (and training for a marathon is a completely different beast). But now that I’m graduating, I’ll be free in the Fall to run a big race. My dad ran the Philadelphia marathon last Fall and has been interested in running one with me, so over Spring Break I bit the bullet and registered for the 2017 Philadelphia Marathon! It’s a little scary, but also really exciting. I’ll start training in July, and in the meantime I’m going to keep up the running schedule I’ve made for myself (3 miles three times a week, with a 6-9 mile long run on the weekend).

Have any of you done a big race? Do you have any tips?