Spring Break part 1

Spring Break part 1

Spring break was two weeks this year, and I packed a ton of sleeping and reading into those two weeks! I also got off of my butt in order to do a few fun things with my family, including visiting the Philadelphia Flower Show with my mom. We used to go every year when I was little (and I meanreally little- as in, I don’t actually remember ever having attended before). My great aunt even presented there once or twice (she used to be a flower farmer and artist, and is now retired).

The theme of the show this year was Holland, and the Philly convention center was packed floor to ceiling with tulips, daffodils, and windmills.

My favorites, by far, were the bright blue tulips that were in the center of the show. I also saw some gorgeous orange ones that I’ll have to track down some day.

Another spring break mini-adventure of mine was going book shopping! The only bookstore in our township closed a few months ago (they were an indie shop and they just moved to the next township over, which is about 30 minute from my house). Luckily for us, a new independent bookstore opened an eight minute drive from my parents’ house, and we visited for the first time while I was home. I picked out a ton of titles and then my mother whittled my selection down to just one book after picking out all of the books in my stack that she already owned and were at our house already! So I purchased one book and brought a stack of borrowed books back to Caltech with me to read this term.

Are you shocked that I think I’ll have enough time to read for pleasure? Me too! But this is my last term at Tech and I’m not taking very many classes, so the only thing between me and a ton of books is Netflix. We’ll see how that goes!

Are you reading anything interesting right now? Let me know in the comments!