Spring Break. Destination

Spring Break. Destination

After two months of classes we had mid-semester break. For some people at UniMelb this means catching up on work. For others, it means travelling! My destination? Six days in the beautiful island of Tasmania! [Disclaimer: I don’t feel like I can do Tasmania justice with words, so text wise this might seem a bit short, but I hope you like the pictures!] I couldn’t believe the sight as I flew into Hobart.

I spent Wednesday afternoon wandering Hobart. The weather was perfect, sunny, a little windy, and not too hot. I walked around Franklin Square, Elizabeth Pier, and Parliament Grounds.

The next morning I woke up early to be picked up by my tour just around the corner of my hostel. We drove south from Hobart through the Huon Valley. This area used to be part of a huge apply industry. Ships used to go up the Huon River to load up on apples to take to the UK. Today it’s a much smaller industry, but no less delicious. We made a series of stops along the to stretch our legs and to take pictures.

We drove as far south as we could. All the way to the end of the southernmost road in Tasmania. We stepped out and walked along a beautiful beach.

Next stop, the Platypus Walk near Hastings Cave. It’s only about 30-45 minutes long, but I felt like I had been taken into a completely different world. Too bad I wasn’t lucky enough to catch sight of a platypus. :(

Our final stop of the day was Hastings Cave, which was discovered in 1917. I was so exhausted by the end of the day that I’m pretty sure I feel asleep before 10pm, something I haven’t done in years.