Snow Days

Snow Days

So, when I saw the snow fall last weekend, I was really excited. Like really really excited. What was even cooler was that it stuckthat night too. It was like magically over night, the entire city transformed into a winter wonderland. Sooo corny I know, but it’s true! (: Most of my classes ended lecture last week, so with my free Monday I decided to take a little adventure to an art museum I’ve been meaning to go to, a little less than 2 miles away.

I think I enjoyed the snow more than any normal person. There was hardly anyone outside, and the people who were were just trying to get to their destination and soon as possible. Meanwhile, I was taking pictures of everything in sight…

I wasn’t allowed to take pictures inside the Dean Gallery, but after I left I ended up wandering across the street to the National Gallery of Modern Art… and subsequently a walkway to the Water of Leith? It was really pretty. Snow makes everything so much prettier…