Smells like midterms week

Smells like midterms week

The time has come—midterms week is here! But being a senior, I only have one midterm test to take and a midterm presentation to put together for E/ME 105….thank goodness. Sorry frosh and s’mores…but we’ve all been there–having 3 to 5 tests to take. I feel your pain! This week has been pretty busy for me with my thesis objective outline due, having two on-campus interviews and a meeting with the freshman admissions committee. I have been running around campus, and being in a different place every hour. But everyone who knows me well, knows that I like to keep myself busy.

Yesterday I picked up my CDS 110 midterm, which is due next Tuesday. Because of our honor code–all of our exams at Caltech are take-home. Meaning, you could take them wherever and whenever as long as you follow the directions on the front, stay within given time limit, consult appropriate sources stated and turn it in before the due date. It is SOO convenient and makes midterms and finals week more bearable. I have friends at other universities who are uber jealous of my take-home exams, since they have to wake up super early to take a 3 hour exam in a huge lecture hall, whereas I am usually testing in my room or in the library jamming to my exam playlist.

I have already taken my exam in my EST 109 Energy course, but for the next couple of classes, we are taking a few field trips. The first trip was last Friday, where we visited Caltech’s cogeneration plant on the other side of campus. We got to see the facility that powers a lot of Caltech’s energy—In 2004, it was awarded the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Agency national award for high efficiency and environmental friendly system–by that year, they had only been in operation for one year! It was cool to get some fresh air outside of the lecture hall and see how what we learn applies in real life.

Also this week, I brought my new suit to the tailor to get altered–need to look sharp for interviews! My job search is definitely picking up—I just got information to fly out for a second round interview in a few weekends from now. I’m so excited!

All right guys—thats all for now…stay tuned to see how midterms turned out… :)