Ski Trip!

Ski Trip!

Every year, Page has their ski trip at the start of second term. We go to Mammoth Ski Resort, and spend Thursday or Friday night to Sunday morning there. Typically, we stay in the same few cabins every year, and since this is my 4th year on Page ski trip, I can recognize many of the rooms :P On the first day (Friday), I went skiing. It was a beautiful sunny day, so it was nice and warm with my ski gear on! I was initially with two more advanced skiiers, so we started with some hard blues and moved to blacks early in the day. This is a photo I took when I was too scared to go down the black, so I sat down and took a photo of the landscape instead. I eventually made it down (without falling!), but it was my second black ever, so I was pretty scared. After that, I resolved to go with a more chill ski group after lunch and just do some blues before finishing up for the day.

For lunch, all of us met up at one of the lodges to eat together. Afterwards, all of us went up to the top of the mountain to see the view. Here are all of us!

Afterwards, the advanced skiiers and snowboarders went off in one group, and the rest of us went down the mountain on the path marked “Easiest way down” 😂It was actually a very easy way down, which surprised me since we were so high up on the mountain; it was marked a blue, but I’d say it’s almost a green.

After skiing that day, we played board games at night and ordered pizza in. The next day, most of us had to do homework, unfortunately (classic Caltech). However, some people went out to the natural hot springs about 20 minutes drive away, some people went to the hot tub outside the cabins, and some people went ice skating. That night, we bought food, cooked dinner together, and played Mafia, Spyfall, and Charades for the rest of the night.

On Sunday, all of us headed back to Caltech. As we were driving back, I started to feel a bit nostalgic. It was my last ski trip, and I won’t be able to have the same experience again. It’s always been really fun, and it’s my favorite house trip. I’ll really miss it!