Singapore National Museum

Singapore National Museum

I went to the National Museum of Singapore next! It’s a pretty building, with exhibits from the beginning of Singapore’s history to the present.

In addition to exhibits on the country’s history, there was also a Story of the Forest exhibit, where 69 drawings from William Farquhar Collection of Natural History. Drawings are animated and brought to life. Upon entering, there’s a bridge across a dark, high ceiling-ed room where flowers are rising and falling around you. Then, it moves into a long spiral pathway with a continuous screen on one side, displaying animation of a forest and wildlife. The effect is quite amazing, as the weather changes from sun to rain and as day turns to night, the animals exhibit different behaviors or different animals appear. It was so seamless that I couldn’t tell if it was randomly turning from sun to rain, or if I just walked to the next section where it’s always raining.

Afterwards, we went to a friend’s house to have homemade steak and pasta for dinner. The views from his apartment are amazing! The food and company were good too, and I learned a new board game :)