Shop 'til I Drop

Shop 'til I Drop

Hope you all had a great weekend! I definitely did!…some highlights: In-N-Out, hanging out with friends, spending the day in Old Pas, enjoying the nightlife in Downtown Los Angeles, and ballet class. Now, it’s back to work…

I’m currently working on a progress report for my next thesis deliverable due this Friday. In addition, I have been making a lot of progress in the experimental phase of the research. I have been working in the machine shop to alter some parts to bring back up to JPL for testing for the next few weeks.

I initially learned how to machine shop during my sophomore year at Caltech through my ME71 class (Intro to Shop). I was at first, really scared about dealing with the machinery since it can be really confusing to operate….and in there, you really have no room to make mistakes—you’ve got to be absolutely safe, constantly alert and know exactly what you are doing. The class was AMAZING. I would have to say it’s one of my faves I’ve taken at Caltech—I got to build a transmission and a bubble machine! I also found that I have a natural flair for machining…and was able to do well in the course. It’s also very empowering to know that I know my way around these machines down there, can really get my hands dirty and prove myself as a true MechE ;).

Yep…so this is the real deal, guys…hardcore MechE stuff–the other kind of “shop-ping” I’m good at ;)