Senior Week Eats

Senior Week Eats

What now? I’ve finished my senior year..and have a few days until graduation.

First…is relaxing and playing with my new iPad (it’s incredible, by the way) Then were some senior receptions these past few days: Ice cream social for the admissions office–PS: we moved! The admissions office moved a few weeks ago from Steele House to 383 S Hill over by the President’s House and the Einstein Papers House.

The ice cream social was done to celebrate a successful year in admissions tours and most importantly to recognize the graduating seniors for all their effort!

Friday was the Senior Reception and Dinner at Chandler. I was telling everyone that the last time just our class sat down to have a meal together was probably during rotation of Freshman Year when we first arrived. The food was so yummy…and the desserts were even prettier.

Too pretty to eat?…I don’t think so…

Then the almost-grads went to the alumni house for a special celebratory luncheon

So as you can see…it’s been a lot of relaxing and eating these past few days…and I can only foresee more of that until graduation. I’ve also been starting on the tedious task of packing up my room and selling some of my stuff (appliances, dorm room stuff) to underclassmen. That and getting prepared for my new job is keeping me busy.

I’ll keep you guys updated