See a concert at the Forum!

See a concert at the Forum!

College kid bucket list item? Oh definitely.

“Demons” by Imagine Dragons comes on from my frosh year Spotify playlist, and with it, memories of my second LA concert flood in.

Valentine’s Day, or, as it seems sometimes at Caltech, Singles Awareness Day. Haha just kidding! All the men of Avery love us gals so much! They prepared super sweet cards and homemade madeleines for us, and some of them even modeled for a calendar. :D

That day was a good Friday, a fun end to a rough week. Getting to the concert took some creativity, courage, and good company. We walked out from Caltech to the nearest metro station, changed lines a couple of times, and made it to USC. From there, it was a short taxi ride to get to the Forum. While stumbling around LA, I realized how lovely a place Pasadena is for college. We’re a short metro ride away from the sights and sounds and smells of LA without having to deal with it everyday.

My dear roommate, Gauri, and I got cakepops at the USC Starbucks while waiting for our taxi!

Seeing Imagine Dragons in person was incredible. There were lots of lights and colors and kids and music. I love how the lead plays the drums instead of guitar. He’d sing some and then play along with the drummer. I’m no percussionist, but drums just take over your heartbeat until everything in the room just throbs in sync, yaknow? In sync, like the people around the entire ellipse-shaped concert hall (we tried to sit near the focal point, haha) and the flashlights on their phones, waving side to side. There was this group across the hall who made shapes with their phone flashlights that moved, and more people just joined in until a huge patch of little white lights were moving in a circle together or drawing a giant square. Simple, but adorable. It reminded me of half-time shows during football games back home when the band would walk in formations. (–I’m from Texas, remember?)

So that happened. I’m writing to y’all from my home sweet home in Plano, Texas, right now (more later!), and although I miss LA and all it has to offer, I know I’ll be back soon. I got an email with a discount for the Backstreet Boys lately. Hehe. Should I? We’ll see. In any case, there are tons of conerts and shows–remind me to tell you sometime about the day I went to the Conan Show–and I’ll hopefully be spending my summer SURFing at Tech, so there’s much to come and I am solooking forward to it. (:

tl;dr - Much metro. Such music.