Seattle Art Museum

Seattle Art Museum

A fifteen minute bus ride away from my workplace, the Seattle Art Museum is located in downtown Seattle. On the first Thursday of each month, the museum is free to everyone. Typically, the tickets cost $13 for students. The museum itself isn’t that big, but it’s definitely nice to walk around. There are two floors of exhibits, featuring American art, Native American, European, African, and some Asian art.

This is part of the Native American exhibit. I really liked this exhibit since I think the art is really interesting, and the masks are all so cool!

This was also part of the same exhibit, which I thought was funny. These are variations on the classic Kellogg’s cereals, but a little different! I forgot exactly what the description read, unfortunately :(

Upstairs, there was an entire room full of china from different areas of the world. I particularly liked this set of china below.

There was also an African exhibit with a lot of different face masks, a European art exhibit, and an interesting modern exhibit? In the modern exhibit, there was a large screen with some kind of psychedelic sensory animations going on. I wasn’t really sure what to make of it, but it was interesting. Overall, I think it’s worth spending a 2 hours here, especially on a free museum day.