Screening T-shirt for TOMORROW

Screening T-shirt for TOMORROW

Hey guys! I’ve been busy on two important things that seniors have to deal with during this time of year: my THESIS and DITCH DAY. The other night…I headed to the art chateau to get started on silk-screening the t-shirts for our Ditch Day Stack. There were other groups of seniors also there working as well. Can’t tell you too much about the whole thing….but I can show some pictures…

The Art Chateau’s T-shirt screening room is used by all Techers to make t-shirts for their clubs and events…its always fun to see the witty designs people have made in the past–they hang up all around the room for all to see!

Gotta put the screens together using wooden frames

The screens are put in here to expose it to UV radiation

These are where the frames go to dry…