Saturday Brunch at Sqirl

Saturday Brunch at Sqirl

Last Saturday I went to Sqirl with some of my housemates! (My primary house affiliation is Page House). Sqirl was on my list of brunch places to try for awhile, so I was glad I finally got to go. It’s also on Jonathan Gold’s list of 101 Best Restaurants in the Los Angeles Area. The food at Sqirl was definitely worth the half hour drive to East Hollywood and the additional half hour wait outside the door. I have a car on campus, which makes it a bit easier to get off campus and go do things. If you don’t have a car, there are plenty of options - Uber/Lyft, public transportation, and friends with cars. ;) We each chose to order a different dish so we could try as many things as possible! We had the ricotta toast w/ blueberry jam, chicken + rice porridge, avocado toast, pesto sorrel bowl, and crispy rice salad. We also tried some of their pastries, including a black sesame mochi cake and a malva pudding cake (similar to sticky toffee pudding). Call me basic, but my favorite dish was the avocado toast.