San Francisco By Foot

San Francisco By Foot

This Sunday was the first excursion to San Francisco during my internship, although I am also sure it will not be the last. I went with a couple of friends, who had planned out a genius walking path to hit all the places that we wanted: the piers on the waterfront, Chinatown, and Union Square. It’s much more interesting if I show you the photos, so here you are :).

We walked from Pier 30 to Pier 39, and the views of the bay were great. We stopped by the Ferry Marketplace on the way and I bought some artisan cheese, which was delicious. I have an obsession for cheeses but I won’t bore you with the details :P. Also pretty sure this is the part of the walk when I got sunburned…

We ended the day with shopping around Union Square. We all needed new flip flops (we live in California after all!) so we went to DSW and then window shopped before heading back.