Return to CERN

Return to CERN

Hi everyone, my name is Valère and I am a rising senior working with the High Energy Physics group at Caltech. Last summer I wrote about my first experiences at CERN working with the CMS experiment. I have continued working with the HEP group at Caltech and am now on my way back to CERN, not as a SURF student this time but as part of CERN’s summer student program, though still working with Caltech. With the LHC on temporary shut down for upgrades the dynamics will be quite different this year. Our group will be less focused in Geneva and spread across Caltech, Fermilab and CERN. I will also be commencing work on my senior thesis, not to mention looking into graduate schools. So there’s plenty that’ll be going on this summer.

With finals over and graduation done it is weird to think that I am now a senior. So much has happened over the past few years but now I really need to push through with things to finish off my last year at Caltech. This summer I’ll have plenty to talk about for graduate applications, both in the US and also abroad, plus the continuation of the projects I have been working on this past year, as well as some new ones for the summer and my own thesis project. Of course there will also be the exploration of Europe as well as getting to know the international community in CERN’s summer student program. There’s much to do and I’m sure we’re all in for an exciting summer.

Final tribute to the Class of 2013, the class that I spent the most of my time at Tech with. Congratulations on making it through!