

Happy New Year! : )

On New Year’s Eve, I went over to a friend’s house for a party. We had a potluck, so I decided to bring a bit of English culture and made some scones. We had so much food that no dish was completely finished. I also ended up playing some mahjong, a Chinese game that I only recently learned how to play. And of course, we watched the ball drop at midnight and had fireworks. How did you celebrate New Year’s Eve? I hope everyone had fun and stayed safe. I look forward to seeing techers again in a couple of days and meeting new freshers, I mean frosh :P

Do you have any resolutions for the new year? Every year, I have the intention of keeping up with my resolutions, but I find that in the end I always fail. So this year, I’m going to keep it simple and not make a resolution at all. If I want to make a change, I’ll start today, not tomorrow, or wait for a new year to start. Live life without regrets and be happy.

2012 has treated me well and I’ve been so blessed. Some memorable moments for me were: surviving core, switching from ChE to Chem, breaking our 30-match regular season SCIAC tennis losing streak since 2007 by beating Oxy 5-4, formally joining LBC, completing The Hunger Games Stack on Ditch Day (thank you seniors/ghosts :P), SURFing at MIT with Dr. Ying Song and Prof. Stephen J. Lippard, studying abroad at UCL, and getting the opportunity to visit 10 European countries, obtaining 17 stamps on my passport over the span of 3 months. I could go on and on listing things, but that would probably bore you guys.

2013, I’m excited for what you have in store. May this year be just as great as 2012 or even better.

:) Jessica